
User can add to "User menu" frequently used items (commands or setting) chosen from "CHDK Menu". Having all of them in one place enable quicker access to needed item (without necessity to browse in search for it).


While in <Alt> mode browse: Menu / OSD parameters -> / "User Menu Enable" and activate the option "Edit". Move cursor to "User menu" (one line above) and press the button <SET>.

Move the cursor (down) to the empty line where you want to add user item (or modify if cursor is set on already defined line ).

Press <Display> button (It looks like you are back in "normal " browsing but you are still in "Edit" mode). Browse "CHDK menu" to find the item you want to add to your "User menu".

When you will find it press <EV±>.

To complete the job, browse to mentioned above "User Menu Enable" and set the option:

'On Dire (ct)' – pressing <ALT> gives the “User menu “ on LCD,

'On' - you have to set <ALT> and then “Menu” to get your “User menu “ on LCD,

'OFF' - if you prefer to browse to your "User menu".

(Tested on A570IS 2008-06-04)
