Cable Release[]
- This script is now obsolete! Thanks to the fantastic new addition of the USB Remote Cable Release function recently added! (note added by original author)
- Written for/on: S3 IS
- Also works on: Easy to modify for any of them.
There's no really easy way to add a cable-release to these cameras. The shutter-button on them is at an odd angle, with very little in the body-design to allow you to easily add a cable-release socket near the shutter-button. So, I got to thinking ... there's tons of other buttons on the camera that are much easier to reach with a very simple bracket screwed into the tripod socket. Using the scripting commands I rerouted the shutter-release button to the [DISP] button on my S3. As that one is nearest the tripod socket. A very small right-angle bracket a little over an inch-long, with one hole for a 1/4-20 bolt and another hole with threads cut for a mechanical cable-release ... bingo! I have a simple, small, easy to fit in my camera-bag cable-release! I put a small bit of rubber over the cable-release bracket threaded opening, so as not to mar my [DISP] button when the end of the cable-release hits it. It needs so little movement to press that button that the cable-release flexes the rubber-guard nicely to do just that.
If you want to modify it for your camera's particular button-layout, just replace the is_key x "display" line with whatever button other than the "display" button that you want to press as your alternate shutter-button, preferably the one nearest your tripod socket, Refer to the scripting tutorial for available button-names that you can use. And then using a cable-release and home-made bracket to reach that button.
Documentation/Help (save as a small "cbl_rls.txt" file to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)
Attach your home-made cable-release mount to your camera so the cable-release end is over your [DISP] button on the back of the camera. Load, then run the script by pressing the shutter button. As long as the script is running your [DISP] button will act as your shutter-button. To end the script press your REAL shutter-button again.
Script Code (save as "cbl_rls.bas" to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)
@title Cable Release :press wait_click is_key x "display" if x=1 then shoot goto "press"
One small drawback, and I'm not sure how to get around it. When using my cable-release with this script, there's about a 2.5 to 3 second delay between pressing the [DISP] button and the camera actually taking the photo. (Does anyone know how to speed that up?)
I'll upload a photo of the bracket that I made for this after I get some flat-black paint to make it look nicer.