
This article describes the initial procedure of loading a dump to IDA disassembler.


It is assumed that you have IDA installed on your machine.

To semi-automate initial stage you need to download and install FLIRT-signatures and IDC-scripts. You can get them here. Copy file "sig/CanonFW_A-Series.sig" from the archive to "<PATH_of_IDA_insalled>/sig/arm/". Unpack the idc folder to whatever you want.

Running of IDA

Start IDA application. Upon IDA loaded create a new database. You can do it by pressing NEW button on 'Welcome' window. Or through menu: 'File->New...'. Choose the dump file ('PRIMARY.BIN') to load.


Choose 'Binary/Raw File' format under 'Various files' tab.

IDA 02New

'Loading Wizard' will appear. Leave the 'Analysis options' unchecked.

IDA 03Wizard 01

Choose 'ARM processor ARM' as target platform.

IDA 04Wizard 02

Leave the 'Start analysis now' checked. Press 'Finish' button.

IDA 05Wizard 03

You have to specify the correct 'ROM start address' and 'Loading address'. They are equal and depends on the model of camera. For A-series it is 0xFFC00000, for S-, SD-, and G- series - 0xFF810000.

IDA 06Address

Wait a while until IDA loaded the file.

IDA 07AfterLoad

Click on 'Open signatures window' tool-button. Or press 'Shift+F5'.


In window appeared click right mouse button and choose 'Apply new signature...' menu item.


IDA will show the list of signature files are available for current processor. If you correctly installed the signatures file, as described in the preparing section, you will see "CanonFW_A-Series Firmware" item. Choose it.


After a short analysis you will see the number of functions recognized. Then, you can close the window.

IDA 11AppliedFLIRT

Click on 'Execute an IDC file' tool-button. Then choose the 'CHDK.idc' file saved in the preparing section.


The script will run. It can take several minutes to complete. Please do not interrupt the IDA untill it finished.

IDA 13WaitForFinish

Now, the initial disassemling stage is completed. You can browse the code.

IDA 14Finish