
per Fandom Community Wiki Rules the following rules apply to creating and editing the pages of this CHDK Wiki

  1. All content and external links must pertain to CHDK directly, or to closely related topics like photography, Canon cameras, and software development.
    1. External links must link to specific tools or information relevant to the page where the link appears. Adding links solely for SEO or to drive traffic to an external site is not permitted, even if they are nominally on topic.
    2. Links to images or projects created with CHDK are generally welcome, but must be on topic for the page where they are added, and not so numerous they detract from the purpose of the page. Users are welcome to post or link their CHDK relevant creations on their User page.
  2. Edits to existing pages must be consistent with the subject of the page. Vandalism, advertising, and other content unrelated to CHDK are not permitted.
  3. Personal attacks or disrespect are not tolerated.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in the removal of the offending material and possible ban at the discretion of the group administrators based solely on their determination of the likelihood of repeat offenses.
